API Authorization Demo ( GET, POST and DELETE )

  GitHub :- 
  Here I am taking example of GitHub Account for API authorization
  So First We nedd to login our GitHub account to generate authentication token.
  Account ( Profile Icon )-> Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Token -> Generate New Token ->
  Add Note ex "demotoken" , Select expiration, Tick Repo and delete_repo options > Click on generate token button.
  Copy and paste token somewhere.
To get GitHub API Url , Follow given below steps
  Go to the google search and search "github rest api"
  Open "https://docs.github.com/en/rest"
  Click on references -> Repositories Then we can list of repo option in left side ex "Create a repository for the   authenticated user", "Get a repository ","Update a repository", " Delete a repository"

  ex api url " https://api.github.com" and End point of POST is "/user/repos"
WE can create Envirnoment variable for api url Collection-> Edit -> variable
We can use it following way ,
Postman Create a collection and POST , GET and DELETE Requests
Note:- We can create Envrinoment varible for token
POSTMAN Execution