How to overcome TP Link Wireless Router challenges on macOS ( big Sur 11.2 )

In order to let this adapter installed and work,We have to disable the SIP and give the 
  authority of this App to be 		installed.
1. Reboot into recovery mode.  For my Mac book pro, hold “command + R” at power on until 
  the display says loading options.

2. Disable the SIP. Go to the utility menu and choose Terminal. Type “csrutil disable” and press 
  enter, then reboot the mac to let this take effect.
3. Give the APP authority in order to installed on Mac. Open terminal and type this command “sudo spctl --master-disable” Then you can find the “anywhere” option on the Security & Privacy page.
4. Download and install the driver. For me the latest version 5 works! Download link: During the installation, it may ask you for authority. Then go to the system preference, Security & Privacy and click the “details” to give the APP permission to be installed.