Jenkins and GIT Integration Java Project Creation with ythe help of Eclipse 1)Create Java Project 2)Create "demo" package 3)Create Java File "" package demo; public class ReverseNumber { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World"); } } 4)Run Above code from Windows Command Prompt a)Go to the project folder ex. cd C:\ABC\JenkinandGitJavaProgram\src\demo b)Enter following command ex javac c)If we enter " java" then it give us error due to java constraint Enter "java demo.ReverseNumber" Package should be required before ClassName 5)We will get output "Hello World" Jenkins and Java Project Integration Jenkins->Manage Jenkins->Global Tool Configuration Need to installed following plugins HTML Publisher plugin TestNG Result Plugin Selenium HTML report 1)Install Jenkins 2)Start Jenkins server a)First go to the jenkins folder ex "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins> b)Run Jenkins.war ex. "C:\Program Files (x86)\Jenkins>java -jar jenkins.war" 3)Login Jenkins Server by using username and password 4)Click on "New Item" to create new jenkin project 5)Then Enter Project Name ex ""HelloWorld" and select Free Style Project 6)Ok and Save 7)Go to the Configure->Build-> select "Execute Windows Batch Envirnoment" and enter folloing commands cd C:\ABC\JenkinandGitJavaProgram\src\demo javac cd.. java demo.HelloWorld 8)Apply and Save 9)Click on "Build Now" and see ouput on "console window" Jenkins and Java Project and GIT Integration 1)Firstly Jenkins and Java Project Integration required, Install GIT Plugin into Jenkins via Manage Jenkins 2)Create a Github Account 3)Create a repository on GitHub ex "HelloWorldJava" 4)Then make the following changes into "Source Code Management" of Jenkins->HelloWorld a)Select git instead of None to access code from a git repository b)Then Enter git repository URL ex. "" c)Then In "Build Triggers" Tick "Poll SCM" Option and enter "* * * * *", this star execute script per minute d)Then Apply and save it Procedure to upload our project on GIT Repository Login to Git and create a new repository and copy path for future reference "" Go to git bash command Prompt-> set project working directory ex. cd C://NewMobileAutomation//VaibhavTestingPractice// git init //to initialize empty git repository on GitHub git status //to check the git update status git add . //add files git commit -m "Hello Java Program" git remote add origin git push -u origin master To download Project git clone to download changes made by others git pull Jenkins execute the HelloWorld Project after every change For Jenkin Scheduler. We can follow the following steps 1)Start Jenkins 2)Open Project 3)Configure->Build Triggers-> 4)Tick Build periodically option 5)Add Scheduler criteria ex. use "* * * * *"for every 1 minutes , "*/2 * * * *" for every two minutes, "*/15 * * * *" for every 15 minutes Rerer link for timer