How to install iOS and Android build into Simulator/Emulator through Terminal

  In IOS
We need .app file to install into iPhone Simulator
Then Open terminal and follow given below steps
  1) Enter following command to get device list
  xcrun simctl list
  2) Then Copy simualtor UDID which we want to install app
  3) Enter following command to install app
  xcrun simctl install 700332EF-8DE1-4040-B5F9-CC56D9CB1554 ~/Desktop/
  where 700332EF-8DE1-4040-B5F9-CC56D9CB1554 is simulator UDID and ~/Desktop/ is path of .app file
   We need .apk file to install into android emulator
    Then Open terminal and follow given below steps
    1) Enter following command to get device list
    adb install ~/Desktop/46.apk
    where ~/Desktop/46.apk is path of apk