To Verify Android Device log We can use ADB Make Sure ADB should be installed properly Refer following commands to get device log adb devices ENTER :- To check list of connected deivces to the machine adb logcat ENTER:- To check complete log of device adb logcat>C:\Users\user1\Desktop\log.txt ENTER:- To save complete device log Note: for macboon, adb logcat> ~/Desktop/abc.txt adb logcat -c ENTER:- To clear log To Verify IOS Device log We can use XCODE Launch XCODE Go to the menu bar: Window → Devices and Simulators. Click View Device Logs Right-click on the App Crash and select Export Log Enter the log file name and the destination then click Save Second Way: Go to the menu bar: Window → Devices and Simulators. Alternative App for Gathering iOS Device Logs – iOS Console Third Way:- Besides the options above, you can also obtain iOS device logs using the iOS console app. Follow these steps: Install iOS Console Connect your iPhone to the computer Select Trust this computer on the iPhone pop-up request Start iOS Console and you will see the iOS device logs being gathered. Reproduce the problem Highlight all of the log data