1)OOP’s concept – Class, Objects Polymorphism, Inheritance and Encapsulation 2)Java Programming essentials- Object Instances, method overloading/overriding concepts and packages 3)Control Statements – While, do-While, Switch, If statements – This will help us in writing the scripts for a multiple scenario statements and decision making scenarios. 4)Looping statements – This will help us in scenarios like, iterating through a large table to find a record that you want and Running the same test for multiple number of times. 5)Arrays Concepts – This will help us in having some set of datas of same type in a static way. 6)Threads and MultiThreading Concepts – This will help us in making run our scripts in different threads that will help us in achieving better performance. 7)Java Collections Framework – ArrayLists and HashMaps – This will help us in maintaining a collection of data’s. Particularly useful for scenarios where you need to compare the data from Web app UI with the DB. [OR] From UI to another UI 8)File Streams – This will be helpful in externalization of data through CSV, Excel or Java Properties file.