TestNG Annotations import org.testng.annotations.Test; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeClass; import org.testng.annotations.AfterClass; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.AfterMethod; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeSuite; import org.testng.annotations.AfterSuite; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.AfterTest; @Test: Denotes a test method. @BeforeClass: Runs once before the first test method in the current class. @AfterClass: Runs once after all the test methods in the current class. @BeforeMethod: Runs before each test method. @AfterMethod: Runs after each test method. @BeforeSuite: Runs once before all tests in the suite. @AfterSuite: Runs once after all tests in the suite. @BeforeTest: Runs once before all tests within the currenttag. @AfterTest: Runs once after all tests within the current tag. TestNG Assertions: import org.testng.Assert; Assert.assertEquals(actual, expected); Assert.assertTrue(condition); Assert.assertFalse(condition); Assert.assertNull(object); Assert.assertNotNull(object); TestNG Parameters: import org.testng.annotations.Parameters; import org.testng.annotations.Optional; @Parameters({ "parameterName" }) @Test public void testMethod(@Optional("defaultValue") String parameterValue) { // Test method implementation } TestNG Data Providers: import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider; @DataProvider(name = "dataProviderName") public Object[][] dataProviderMethod() { // Return test data as a 2D array return new Object[][] { { data1 }, { data2 }, ... }; } @Test(dataProvider = "dataProviderName") public void testMethod(Object data) { // Test method implementation } TestNG Groups: @Test(groups = "groupName") public void testMethod() { // Test method implementation } TestNG Dependencies: @Test(dependsOnMethods = "methodName") public void testMethod() { // Test method implementation }
TestNG Basics
Appium Commands
Appium Commands Installing Appium Install Appium 2.0 > npm install -g appium@next Appium Doctor Install Appium Doctor > npm install -g @appium/doctor Check Android Setup > appium-doctor --android Check iOS Setup > appium-doctor --ios Appium Drivers List Appium Drivers > appium driver list Install Driver > appium driver install uiautomator2 Upgrade Driver > appium driver update uiautomator2 Uninstall Driver > appium driver uninstall uiautomator2 Appium Plugins List Appium Plugins > appium plugin list Install Plugin > appium plugin install relaxed-caps Upgrade Plugin > appium plugin update appium-dashboard Uninstall Plugin > appium plugin uninstall relaxed-caps Appium Server Start Appium Server > appium server [list-of-options] Appium Server Parameters (Optional) --address: IP address where you want to run your tests on. --port: Port number where the Appium server will start. --base-path: Base path to be used in server URL, ideally this should be /wd/hub. --use-drivers: Mention comma-delimited list of drivers to be activated. --use-plugins: Mention comma-delimited list of plugins to be activated. --log: File path where you want to save Appium server logs. --log-filters: Add log filters to get only the required logs. --log-level: Specify log levels that should be logged. --log-timestamp: Add this if you want to have timestamps in the logs. --local-timezone: Add the timezone for which you want to see the time in. --debug-log-spacing: To add extra spacing in logs for debugging. --allow-insecure: Mention all the insecure features which you want to be enabled by separating them with a comma. --default-capabilities: Specify the default capabilities which you know will not change for your tests. You can override them by passing in the driver instance when creating the session. --session-override: Add this if you want to override the existing session. --webhook: ention the webhook URL where you want Appium logs to be redirected. --strict-caps: Mention this when you want a strict check of passed capabilities. --driver-xcuitest-webdriveragent-port: Mention WebDriverAgent port number. --config: Specify the Appium config file path which Appium can use to configure. --nodeconfig: Specify the Selenium Grid configuration file to connect to a grid. --allow-cors: Use this when you want to allow Web to connect to your Appium server instance. --relaxed-security: Use this to relax security check. Start and Stop Appium Server > appium server --address localhost --port 4723 --use-drivers uiautomator2 --base-path /wd/hub --use-plugins appium-dashboard App Management Get App package name var packageName = driver.getCurrentPackage (); Get the current Activity name var activityName = this.driver.currentActivity (); Activate application driver.activateApp ("com.domain.app.package"); Terminate application driver.terminateApp ("com.domain.app.package"); Install application this.driver.installApp (""); Uninstall application this.driver.removeApp (" "); Check if the application is installed var isInstalled = this.driver.isAppInstalled (" "); Appium Java Client Start Appium Server: private AppiumDriverLocalService buildAppiumService () { final var logFile = Path.of (getProperty ("user.dir"), "logs", "appium.log") .toFile (); final var builder = new AppiumServiceBuilder (); return builder.withIPAddress (System.getProperty ("host", "")) .usingPort (Integer.parseInt (System.getProperty ("port", "4723"))) .withLogFile (logFile) .withArgument (GeneralServerFlag.BASEPATH, "/wd/hub") .withArgument (GeneralServerFlag.USE_DRIVERS, "uiautomator2") .withArgument (GeneralServerFlag.USE_PLUGINS, "appium-dashboard") .withArgument (GeneralServerFlag.SESSION_OVERRIDE) .withArgument (GeneralServerFlag.ALLOW_INSECURE, "chromedriver_autodownload") .build (); } Stop Appium Server: if (this.service.isRunning ()) { this.service.stop (); } Setting Desired Capabilities: private Capabilities buildCapabilities () { final var deviceName = getProperty (DEVICE_NAME_KEY, "Pixel_6_Pro"); final var deviceVersion = getProperty (DEVICE_VERSION_KEY, "11"); final var options = new UiAutomator2Options (); options.setPlatformName ("Android") .setPlatformVersion (deviceVersion) .setDeviceName (deviceName) .setAvd (deviceName) .setApp (Path.of (getProperty ("user.dir"), "src/test/resources/proverbial.apk") .toString ()) .setAutoGrantPermissions (true) .setIsHeadless (parseBoolean (getProperty ("headless", "false"))); return options; } Start Driver Session: var capabilities = buildCapabilities (); this.service = buildAppiumService (); this.service.start (); . . . var serverUrl = this.service.getUrl (); this.driver = new AndroidDriver (serverUrl, capabilities); Stop Driver Session: this.driver.quit (); Update Driver Settings: this.driver.setSetting (Setting.KEYBOARD_AUTOCORRECTION, false); Update Driver Setting Via Capabilities: options.setCapability ("appium:settings[setting-name]", "value"); Supported Locator Strategies Accessibility ID: var element = this.driver.findElement(AppiumBy.accessibilityId ("accessibility-id")); ID: var element = this.driver.findElement(AppiumBy.id ("element-id")); Class Name: var element = AppiumBy.className ("some.class"); XPath: var element = AppiumBy.xpath (".//android.widget.Button[@text='COLOR']"); Android Ui Selector: var element = AppiumBy.androidUIAutomator ("new UiSelector().text("some-text")"); Android Data Matcher: var element = AppiumBy.androidDataMatcher (new Json ().toJson (ImmutableMap.of ( "name", "hasEntry", "args", ImmutableList.of ("title", "App") ))); Android View Matcher: var element = AppiumBy.androidViewMatcher (new Json ().toJson (ImmutableMap.of ( "name", "withText", "args", "Animation", "class", "androidx.test.espresso.matcher.ViewMatchers" ))); iOS Predicate String: var element = AppiumBy.iOSNsPredicateString ("label == "Colour" AND name == "color""); iOS Class Chain: var element = AppiumBy.iOSClassChain ("**/XCUIElementTypeButton[`label == "Colour"`]"); Device Actions Take a Screenshot: final var file = ((TakesScreenshot) this.driver).getScreenshotAs (FILE); try { FileUtils.copyFile (file, new File (fileName)); } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace (); } Get screen size: driver.manage ().window ().getSize (); Check if running on Device Browser: var isWebApp = driver.isBrowser (); Open a Deeplink: driver.get ("someapp://deeplink/to/screen"); Get Session ID: var sessionId = driver.getSessionId (); Handle Alerts: var message = this.driver.switchTo () .alert () .accept (); Switch context to WebView: driver.context ("WebView-name"); Get all the available contexts: var handles = driver.getContextHandles (); Get Battery percent level: var batteryPercent = driver.getBatteryInfo ().getLevel (); Get Battery state: var batteryState = driver.getBatteryInfo ().getState (); Check if the keyboard is visible: var isKeyboardVisible = driver.isKeyboardShown (); Hide keyboard: driver.hideKeyboard (); Android specific actions: Open Notifications panel To open the notification panel on your device, use the following command: driver.openNotifications (); Toggle Location services To toggle location services ON / OFF on the device, use the following command: driver.toggleLocationServices (); Toggle Mobile Data To toggle mobile data ON / OFF on the device, use the following command: driver.toggleData (); Toggle WiFi To toggle WiFi ON / OFF on the device, use the following command: driver.toggleWifi (); Toggle Airplane Mode To toggle Airplane mode ON / OFF on the device, use the following command: driver.toggleWifi (); Toggle Airplane Mode To toggle Airplane mode ON / OFF on the device, use the following command: driver.toggleAirplaneMode (); Lock device: driver.lockDevice (); Check if device is locked: var isLocked = driver.isDeviceLocked (); Unlock device: driver.unlockDevice (); Get Clipboard Text: var text = driver.getClipboardText (); //OR var text = driver.getClipboard (ClipboardContentType.PLAINTEXT); Video recording: // For Android var option = AndroidStartScreenRecordingOptions.startScreenRecordingOptions () .withTimeLimit (Duration.ofMinutes (5)); // For iOS final var option = IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions.startScreenRecordingOptions () .withTimeLimit (Duration.ofMinutes (5)); this.driver.startRecordingScreen (option); Video stream real-time: private void startStreaming () { final var args = new HashMap (); args.put ("host", ""); args.put ("port", 8093); args.put ("quality", 75); args.put ("bitRate", 20000000); this.driver.executeScript ("mobile: startScreenStreaming", args); } Pull device file to local: byte [] fileContent = driver.pullFile ("/device/path/to/file"); Push local file to the device: try { this.driver.pushFile ("/device/path/to/folder", new File ("/local/file/path")); } catch (IOException e) { // Do some error handling } Swipe up on screen: private void swipe () { final var size = this.driver.manage () .window () .getSize (); final var start = new Point (size.getWidth () / 2, size.getHeight () / 2); final var end = new Point (start.getX (), start.getY () - (start.getY () / 2)); final var finger = new PointerInput (PointerInput.Kind.TOUCH, "Finger 1"); final var sequence = new Sequence (finger, 0); sequence.addAction ( finger.createPointerMove (Duration.ZERO, PointerInput.Origin.viewport (), start.getX (), start.getY ())); sequence.addAction (finger.createPointerDown (PointerInput.MouseButton.LEFT.asArg ())); sequence.addAction ( finger.createPointerMove (ofMillis (600), PointerInput.Origin.viewport (), end.getX (), end.getY ())); sequence.addAction (finger.createPointerUp (PointerInput.MouseButton.LEFT.asArg ())); this.driver.perform (singletonList (sequence)); } Android Emulator Device Actions Modify Network speed: driver.setNetworkSpeed (NetworkSpeed.FULL); Use Fingerprint: driver.fingerPrint (1); Update Geolocation: driver.setLocation (new AndroidGeoLocation ( , )); Get Geolocation: var location = driver.location (); App Management Get App package name: var packageName = driver.getCurrentPackage (); Get the current Activity name: var activityName = this.driver.currentActivity (); Activate application: driver.activateApp ("com.domain.app.package"); Terminate application: driver.terminateApp ("com.domain.app.package"); Install application: this.driver.installApp (" "); Uninstall application: this.driver.removeApp (" "); Check if the application is installed: var isInstalled = this.driver.isAppInstalled (" ");
Test script to run login script with muiltple users in cypress
Test script to run login script with muiltple users in cypress Following is example test 01_multiple_user_login.cy.ts import { action, commonElements} from "../../constants/selectors"; import "../../support/commands"; const testUsers = require('../../fixtures/userList.json') describe("Verify and check login functionality", () => { it('Verify and check login functionality for all users',async function(){ testUsers.forEach(user => { let userEmail = user.user_email; let userPassword = user.password; cy.login(userEmail,userPassword) cy.loginVerification() cy.logout(userEmail,userPassword) cy.logoutVerification() }); }); }); Need to create following file under fixture folder userList.json [ { "user_email": "abc@testmail.com", "password": "abc@123" }, { "user_email": "abc1@testmail.com", "password": "abc1@123" }, { "user_email": "abc2@testmail.com", "password": "abc2@123" } ]
What Is New In Appium 2.0?
1. Appium 2 Installation npm i -g appium@next 2. Driver Installation From Appium 2.0 drivers can be installed/uninstalled or updated independently. For example, if an update is available for XCUITest then rather than waiting for a new Appium server release we can update the driver only by using CLI commands. Install IOS Driver in Appium 2: appium driver install xcuitest Install Android Driver in Appium 2: appium driver install uiautomator2 How to Update Driver: appium driver update xcuitest Update Multiple drivers : appium driver update xcuitest,uiautomator2 How to check all available/Installed drivers appium driver list 3. Capabilities In Appium 2.0 Now User needs to include the vendor prefix in the non-standard capabilities names. For Example, if you wish to provide deviceName in capabilities, it should consist of the vendor prefix “appium:deviceName“. Appium 1 (Older way): Earlier in the Appium 1. x version we used to define capabilities using DesiredCapabilities class to set various properties and preferences that define how an automation session should be established with a mobile device or an emulator. DesiredCapabilities androidCaps = new DesiredCapabilities(); androidCaps.setCapability("deviceName", "Pixel XL API 30"); androidCaps.setCapability("automationName", "UIAutomator2"); androidCaps.setCapability("udid", "emulator-5554"); androidCaps.setCapability("platformName", "Android"); androidCaps.setCapability("app",System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/src/test/resources/files/Bilgikolik.apk"); androidCaps.setCapability("appPackage", "com.testapp.app"); androidCaps.setCapability("appActivity", "com.testapp.app"); driver = new AndroidDriver(newURL(""),androidCaps); Appium 2 Capabilities In Appium 2, we use UiAutomator2Options class that provides information to Appium about the desired configuration for the test session. Refer below code. UiAutomator2Options capabilities = new UiAutomator2Options(); capabilities.setPlatformName("Android").setAutomationName("UIAutomator2") .setAppPackage("Package Name").setAppActivity("Activity Name") .setApp("App Path"); AndroidDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""),c 4. Appium Inspector Appium 2.0 segregated Appium Inspector from Appium Desktop. Also, the Appium team provided the browser version of the Appium inspector. To test against local servers, you’ll need to start the server with --allow-cors so that the browser-based version of Appium Inspector can access the Appium server to start sessions. 5. Changes In Drivers and Classes SelendroidDriver class is removed. MobileElement classes including AndroidElement and iOSElement classes are removed. It is recommended to use WebElement. @AndroidFindBy(xpath ="//android.widget.TextView[@text='Continue']") private WebElement Continue; Mobile By Class has been removed, and AppiumBy Class has been introduced. Older Way: driver.findElement(MobileBy.id("loginbutton")).click(); New Way: driver.findElement(AppiumBy.id("loginbutton")).click(); All locator names in AppiumBy have been aligned to follow the camelCase naming strategy, e.g. MobileBy.AccessibilityId was changed to AppiumBy.accessibilityId. Appium Driver is directly inherited from Selenium’s RemoteWebDriver. There is no intermediate layer between AppiumDriver and RemoteWebDriver. ResetApp, launch apps, and closeApp methods have been depreciated. Appium Inspector is split out from Appium Desktop. Appium Inspector can be used with its web version without downloading anything. 6. TouchAction/MultiTouchAction From Appium 2.0 both TouchAction and MultiTouchAction class has been depreciated.W3c Action API will be used for automating gestures. For Example, the double Click Gesture can be achieved using the below code: driver.executeScript("mobile: doubleClickGesture", ImmutableMap.of( "elementId", ((RemoteWebElement) element).getId()); Reference Link Click here
Selenium 4: Understanding Key Features
1. Enhanced Selenium Grid The new Selenium Grid comes with Docker support. This will enable developers or testers to spin up the containers rather than setting up heavy virtual machines. Moreover, it is redesigned in a way that will allow QAs to deploy the grid on Kubernetes for better scaling. Managing Selenium Grid is now smooth and easy as there will no longer be any need to set up and start hubs and nodes separately. Teams or individual testers can now deploy the grid in three modes: Standalone mode Hub and Node Fully distributed 2. Upgraded Selenium IDE Most QA engineers using the Selenium tool suite are familiar with the popular record and playback tool – Selenium IDE. This Selenium IDE was earlier available just as a Firefox add-on. Later, it got deprecated with the introduction of the latest Firefox versions. This is because the add-ons in the latest Firefox (ver. 55) were standardized under the Web Extension mechanism.With Selenium 4, the IDE is revived and now its add-on is available for major web-browsers like Firefox and Chrome. The add-on for Selenium IDE is now also available on the MS store.The new Selenium 4 IDE provides some notable features like:Improved GUI for intuitive user experience.The new IDE also comes bundled with a SIDE tool aka Selenium IDE runner. It allows QAs to run .side projects on a node.js platform. This SIDE runner also enables individual QAs to run cross browser tests on local or Cloud Selenium Grid.Improved control flow mechanism that enables testers to write better “while” and “if” conditions. The new IDE comes with an enhanced element locator strategy (Like a backup strategy) which helps locate an element in case the web element couldn’t be located. It will result in the creation of stable test cases.The code for test cases recorded using Selenium IDE can be exported in the desired language binding like Java, C#, Python, .NET, and JavaScript. 3. Relative Locators in Selenium 4 Selenium 4 brings an easy way of locating elements with the inclusion of relative locators. This means testers can now locate specific web elements using intuitive terms that are often used by users like: To left of To right of Above Below The introduction of this new method in Selenium 4 helps locate web elements based on the visual location relative to other DOM elements. One can refer to this source to learn more about the implementation of relative locators in detail. 4. Improved Documentation The documentation section has been revamped significantly with a neat UI for navigating to the desired section or page. This will help testers and developers find relevant information they need for a specific tool, language binding, etc.The exhaustive documentation covers information about all tools and APIs under the Selenium umbrella. This will help individual testers (particularly the beginners) get acquainted with all the features and prerequisites to get started with automation testing. 5. Support for Chrome Debugging Protocol Selenium 4 comes with native support for Chrome DevTools Protocol. This means QAs can now use Chrome development properties like Fetch, Network, Profiler, Performance, Application cache, and more. QAs can also leverage the APIs offered by Chrome DevTools to simulate poor network conditions and perform geolocation testing. Using this API will also help developers or QAs to test and resolve critical bugs for specific web-pages faster and on the fly. 6. Better Window/Tab Management in Selenium 4 There are several instances in test automation wherein one might need to open a particular link in a new tab or window to perform certain actions. To achieve this in Selenium 3, QAs had to create a new driver object and then perform the switch operation using the WindowHandle method to perform subsequent steps. This is set to change in Selenium 4 as it comes with a new API – newWindow that allows users to create and switch to a new window/tab without creating a new WebDriver object. Sample code snippet to open a new window driver.get("https://www.google.com/"); // Opens a new window and switches to new window driver.switchTo().newWindow(WindowType.WINDOW); // Opens BrowserStack homepage in the newly opened window driver.navigate().to("https://www.browserstack.com/"); Sample code snippet to open a new tab within the same window driver.get("https://www.google.com/"); // Opens a new tab in existing window driver.switchTo().newWindow(WindowType.TAB); // Opens Browserstack homepage in the newly opened tab driver.navigate().to("https://www.browserstack.com/"); 7. Deprecation of Desired Capabilities Desired Capabilities were primarily used in the test scripts to define the test environment (browser name, version, operating system) forexecution on the Selenium Grid. In Selenium 4, capabilities objects are replaced with Options. This means testers now need to create an Options object, set test requirements, and pass the object to the Driver constructor. Listed below are the Options objects to be used going forward for defining browser-specific capabilities: Firefox – FirefoxOptions Chrome – ChromeOptions Internet Explorer (IE) – InternetExplorerOptions Microsoft Edge – EdgeOptions Safari – SafariOptions 8. Modifications in the Actions Class Actions class in Selenium is primarily used to simulate input actions from mouse and keyboard on specific web elements (For eg: Left click, Right click, Double click, etc) In Selenium 4, several new methods have been added to the Actions class: click(WebElement) This method is added to Actions class to replace the moveToElement(onElement).click(). It is used to click on a certain web element. clickAndHold(WebElement) This method will replace the moveToElement(onElement).clickAndHold(). It is used to click on an element without releasing the click. contextClick(WebElement) This method will replace moveToElement(onElement).contextClick(). It will perform the right click operation. doubleClick(WebElement) This method is added to replace moveToElement(element).doubleClick(). It will perform a double click on an element. release() Reference Link:- Click here
How to set up Cypress and Typescript End to End Test Automation Framework from Scratch Step by Step Guide.
Pre-requisite::- 1. Install NodeJS: If you don’t have NodeJS installed in your system navigate to https://nodejs.org/en/download/ and choose LTS download and install. 2. Install Visual Studio Code: If you don’t have Visual Studio Code on your computer Navigate to https://code.visualstudio.com/download download and install. Step by Step Guide to Configure / Set up Cypress Typescript Automation Framework Step 1: Create a Project Folder The first step is to create a new folder on your computer desired location. Below I am creating CypressTypescript as the project folder. Step 2: Open Project Folder CypressTypescript in Visual Studio Code i.Open, Visual Studio Code, Click on File > Open Folder ii. Choose, CypressTypescript Folder and Click on Select Folder at the bottom Step 3: Create pacakge.json folder Open Terminal, In Visual Studio Code by clicking on Terminal Menu > Choose New Terminal. Note: Ensure New Terminal opened in the working directory as CypressTypescript iv. New Terminal window appears at the bottom of Visual Studio Code, In the new terminal type below commandnpm initv. It will ask you a set of questions if you want to type desired text, else hit [Enter] key one by one until you get the message Is this Ok?, Then again hit enter it will create package.json for you Step 4: Install Cypress: In the Visual Studio Code, you need to type below commandnpm install cypress --save-devStep 5: Open Cypress The first time when you enter the cypress open command it will create a default setup for you, which also includes directories like cypress, integration, fixtures, etc. To open cypress enter the below command in your terminal windownpx cypress openAfter the execution of the above command, it will create, default cypress framework for you and also opens the cypress window. At this point just close the Cypress window. At this point, your CypressTypescript folder should look like this Step 6: Install Typescript using the below command typing in Terminal In the Visual Studio Code Terminal type the below commandnpm i typescriptStep 7: Create Typescript config file (tsconfig.json) In the Visual Studio Code Terminal type the below command to create tsconfig.json file using the below commandnpx tsc --initStep 8: Create srcfolder inside e2e Folder Step 9: Create page-objects a folder Step 10: Create specs folder Step 11: Create a first page-object file inside the page-objects folder Using Visual Studio Code, Create a file named google-search.page.ts . This file should sit inside page-objects folder created in Step 9. Copy and paste the below code into the file google-search.page.ts.//Inside your google-search.page.ts file. This is pageobject file. ///Step 12: Create the first spec inside the specs folder Using Visual Studio Code, Create a file named google-search.spec.ts . This file is created inside spec folder created in Step 10 Copy and paste the below code into the file google-search.spec.ts.export class GoogleSearch{ googleSearch(){ return cy.get('input[name="q"]').first(); } googleSearchBtn(){ return cy.get('input[name="btnK"]').first(); } searchResults(){ return cy.get('h3').first(); } } //This is spec file, inside your google-search.spec.ts import {GoogleSearch} from "../page-objects/google-search.page"; const search = new GoogleSearch(); describe('Google Navigation', () => { it('Google Search', () => { cy.visit('https://www.google.com') search.googleSearch().type("Something"); search.googleSearchBtn().click(); search.searchResults().should('be.visible'); }); });Step 13: Configuring tsconfig.json file So, You have completed, page-object file, spec file. If you see those files you have created file with a .ts extension, that means we are using typescript in this project. In order for Cypress to understand typescript, we need to configure it. i.In Step 7 you have already created the tsconfig.json file. ii.Navigate to tsconfig.json file iii.Remove all default settings inside it. iv.Copy and paste the below code{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", "lib": ["es5", "dom"], "types": ["cypress"] }, "include": ["**/*.ts"] }Step 14: Execute your first test In the VisualStudio Code Terminal, Make sure the terminal present working directory is CypressTypescript. Type below commandnpx cypress openClick on the google.search.spec.ts file in the above window. BOOM!!! your tests stats running in the browser. Once it gets finished you will see the result How to Execute Cypress tests using the command-line interface Cypress CLI?npx cypress run --spec="./cypress/integration/src/specs/google-search.spec.ts"By default, Cypress doesn’t support XPath as a selector, if you want to use Xpath in cypress please install the cypress-xpath npm packagenpm i cypress-xpathTo get support for the typescript uses the line ///in your spec file. Below is the example ///2.Setting up .gitignorein your project Once you set up the code definitely you want to check into a git repository, if you are checking in the git repository you don’t have to push all the code such as node-modules folder etc. for that create one file in your project folder (CypressTypescript) name it as .gitignore any folders and files which you mention here will be automatically ignored by git, which will not be checked into the repository. Example code for .gitignoredescribe('Example', () => { it('Example', () => { //test something }); }); # End to End Tests dist/ node_modules/ obj/ logs/ *.log *.txt testresults/ screenshots/ package-lock.json
Cypress Tutorials for beginners
Important Links for QA to learn Cypress
Important Links for QA to learn cypress using youtube channels
Responsive Web Design Testing Tools 2023
Important Links for QA to verify website into different devices and screen resolutions
Important Links for QA to List out different devices and screen resolutions
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