Website Launch Checklist


Content and Style
Typography and layout 1->Check for incorrect punctuation marks, particularly apostrophes,quotation marks and hyphens/dashes 2->Check headings for where you could potentially use ligatures 3->Check for widow/orphan terms in important paragraphs
Spelling and grammar
1->Consistency Capitalisation (especially of main headings) 2->Tense/style of writing 3->Recurring/common phrases (e.g. ‘More about X’ links) 4->Variations in words (e.g. Websites vs Web Sites, or UK vs US spelling) Treatment of bulleted lists (e.g. periods or commas at end of each item) 5->Check for hard-coded links to staging domain (i.e. ensure all links will Change to ‘live’ URL/domain when site is launched) Ensure no test content is on the live site 6->Check how important pages (e.g. content items) print For redesigns, ensure important old/existing URLs are redirected to relevant new URLs, if the URL scheme is changing 7->Check all ‘hidden’ copy (e.g. alt text, transcriptions, text in JavaScript functions)
Standards and Validation
Accessibility 1->HTML validation 2->JavaScript validation 3->CSS validation
Search Engine Visibility, SEO and Metrics
1->Page titles are important; ensure they make sense and have relevant keywords in them 2->Create metadata descriptions for important pages 3->Check for canonical domain issues (e.g. variations in links to,, should be reduced to a single consistent style) 4->Ensure content is marked-up semantically/correctly , etc.) 5->Check for target keyword usage in general content 6->Check format of URLs for user and search engine friendliness 7->Set up Analytics, FeedBurner, and any other packages for measuring on-going success 8->Create an XML Sitemap 9->Configure Google Webmaster Console and Yahoo! Site Explorer
Functional Testing
Check all bespoke/complex functionality 1->Check search functionality (including relevance of results) 2->Check on common variations of browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari,Chrome etc.), version (6, 7, 2.2, 3.1 etc.) and platform (Windows, OSX, Linux) 3->Check on common variations of screen resolution 4->Test all forms (e.g. contact us, blog comments), including anti-spam features,response emails/text, etc. 5->Test without JavaScript, Flash, and other plug-ins 6->Check all external links are valid
1->Configure backup schedule, and test recovery from backup 2->Protect any sensitive pages (e.g. administration area) 3->Use robots.txt where necessary 4->Security/penetration test 5->Turn off verbose error reporting
Check disk space/capacity
1->Set-up email/SMS monitoring/alerts (e.g. for errors, server warnings) 2->consider internal and external monitoring services
Load test 1->Check image optimisation 2->Check and implement caching where necessary 3->Check total page size/download time 4->Minify/compress static (JavaScript/HTML/CSS) files 5->Optimise your CSS; use short image paths, make full use of the ‘cascading’ nature of CSS, etc. 6->Check correct database indexing 7->Check configuration at every level (web server, database, any other software e.g.Content Management System) 8->Configure server-based logging/measurement tools (e.g. database/web server logging)
Finishing Touches
1->Create custom 404/error pages 2->Create a favicon
Marketing 1->Social marketing: Twitter, LinkedIn, Digg, Facebook, Stumbleupon. 2->Submit to search engines on-going,Monitor and respond to feedback (direct feedback, on social media sites, check for chatter through Google, etc.) 3->Check analytics for problems, popular pages etc. and adjust as necessary Update 4->content

Basic Test Cases for Android and IOS Apps

1)Test Network alert functionality
2)Test GPS alert functionality
3)Test Google map functionality
4)Test video play functionality
5)Test app exit dialog box appearance
6)Test Facebook and Google+ and other social media login flow integration,And It should not redirect on login screen again
7)Test loader appearance, And they should be consistent working format
8)Test UI and UX ,Atleast 320,480,600,900,768,1024,640 testing all available Android and IPhone devices.UI designs 
  should be as per approved designs
9)Test google Analytics functionality
10)Test all filters functionality
11)Test internal search engine functionality
12)Test all calculations screens
13)Test Push Notification functionality
14)Test images are properly appears or not. They should not stretched.
15)Test hamburger menu appearance and other Animation effect on it
16)Test appearance of dialog boxes, alerts  and it should be consistent throughout app
17)Test Geolocation functionality.
18)Test all play store and app store guidelines should be followed while developing app.
19)Test app into portrait and landscape View
20)Test update app functionality. All changes should reflect into app
21)Test iOS build on latest iOS devices
22)Test performance, UX , flow of project and functionalities are very important for every projects